Poppycock and Sunshine

The adventures of a crazy girl trying to live a quiet, slower Provincial lifestyle in an hectic, fast paced, American society.

Creepy times May 1, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — May-May Golly @ 11:39 pm
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Driving to work today I came across a burned house on Sidney that was completely surrounded my police and investigators. Hmmm, I thought, that’s strange. They must suspect it to be arson. And on my merry little way I went. On the way back home around 10pm, I noticed the police were STILL there and it was all taped off as a crime scene. Upon watching the news later, I learned that a woman was found in the stabbed to death in that burned house. That was my poor neighbor. My poor neighbor was stabbed and burned in her own house. In PORT ORCHARD! Right down the fucking street from the STATE PATROL and the courthouse. I have always felt a mite safer because I lived around the corner from the State Patrol. Stupid, stupid, me. I never thought that I would ever have a reason to say this, but I am SO thankful Daniel keeps a loaded gun in my sock drawer. I’m even more thankful that he taught me how to use it last year.